What is a transformer?

Not this:

But this:


tania33 said...

hello mike i really like your class and all your videos but i have a question how does a magnet get to be a magnet from the magnetic field of the world

Mike Smith said...

Good question Tania. I know that natural magnets are usually called "lodestones" - you can look this up on google. They are made of something called magnetite which is made of the element iron joined to other stuff. Iron is special because it is made of things that are like mini-magnets. The more you line up these mini-magnets, the stronger the magnetic field the lodestone creates. This lining up could be done by you, stroking in the same direction with another magnet. However this can also happen naturally because the Earth's own magnetic field acts in one direction. Or even natural heating I think can do this as well.

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